We should never stop learning -
although some lessons can certainly trip us up!
I’m an ordinary person - I don’t have a Degree in Psychology or a Diploma in Human Behaviour, but I do have life-experience. Lots of experience. I’m not an expert with answers to all the world’s problems, let alone another person’s, but I have gained answers to many of my own problems. Perhaps the answers I have found that helped me, will in turn, help you.
Women finding themselves in situations outside of their previous experience and life-style have, understandably, moments of great apprehension and hesitancy; moments of serious self-doubt; moments of fear, intermingled with dreams and hopes of unfulfilled ambitions and aspirations.
As a woman grows older, she finds her ability to rise from embattled experiences that have worn down not only her physical and emotional energy but her belief in herself, becomes almost an impossibility. She becomes more debilitated and with all that past experience she may feel embittered and no longer able to cope with the changes that have now beset and surrounded her.
She feels completely out of control. She feels as though she is no longer important to anyone, let alone herself, and she feels alone and abandoned.
But there are tremendous possibilities ahead of her; challenges and goals to achieve. All it takes is time to seriously consider what she wants, what she needs, and how badly she wants those wants, and how she will successfully meet those needs.
While “Learning to Deal with ...” covers a number of subjects, one subject above all receives a lot of focus. That is low self-esteem. It is essential that no woman measures her self-esteem by her appearance or her size.
Because without a sense of worth, and the confidence to make an impact upon her future life, the struggle to overcome and rise above “happenings” that have already occurred, will be even more difficult.
“Learning to Deal with ...” is like a patchwork quilt - it goes from one subject to another and then back again, allowing the reader to flow with the subjects undertaken, but will allow her to gain further insights into other subjects as she goes through the booklet. I’ve taken this route, because in my journeys of self-discovery I’ve wanted to gain as much as I can from every little snippet I read.
So my question is why should a woman have to face her problems alone? Answer: She shouldn’t.
This is why “Learning to Deal with ...” presents lots of hints and suggestions and strategies with which every woman, regardless of age, size and shape, can confidently face the future and gain her own sense of self and worth.
I dedicate this book to all those women
who have journeyed with me through the years
and those who will accept my hand
in friendship in future days.
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“Learning to Deal With ….” First published in Australia 2005 reprinted 2024
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or via any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, USB, printing or otherwise without the prior permission of the author.
Text ©2005/reprinted © 2024 Rosemary Parry-Brock Davidson
Information contained in this book is based purely on personal views, opinions, experiences and observations. Matters dealing with health (physical as well as emotional) should be discussed with your own medical practitioner. This book forms part of the concept of RoseMary’s NoteBook© which includes a series of newsletters and other booklets & publications including motivational short courses, for women of all ages and all shapes and sizes. RoseMary’s NoteBook© continues to break down antiquated attitudes about age and size and inspires women to look at themselves from a different perspective - from that of being “old” and/or “plus size” or “too small” or even a “no-hoper” to being a feminine and unique woman, filled with on-going beauty.
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