Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It's Spring!

Hello everyone

It's been a long while since I posted here, but things have been moving along slowly and swiftly!  Not so much of a contradiction for as the years go by one feels either in a hurried state or else in such a slow pace that we lost track of what we've done and what we have yet to do.

The "Gift of Aging" has been a wonderful success and I have to thank my lovely adopted daughter for all the work she put in, in helping me publicise and promote this hand-book at the Regis Exposition.  She has just reminded that the next Expo is scheuled for October this year.  How time flies.

I've been doing a bit of personal writing in a general sense of the word.  Just finished a Trilogy about a middle aged business man and a middle aged woman.  Yes, they fall in love, and share a passion that surprises and overwhelms them!

As well, I've just completed a personal love story between myself and my partner John who passed away in 2014 (hence the delay in bringing my posts up to date).  This has been written for my family should they ever wish to read the "true" story.  Many assumptions and wrong conclusions often come about when family members don't bother to listen and don't want to know facts from their imagined fiction.  This endeavour has set out to correct those assumptions.

So what next?   Not quite sure but it may well be a booklet on RoseMary's NoteBook© - 25 years plus!

So keep tuned.

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